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Breast Cancer

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 12 Juli 2016 | 09.23


Breast cancer is cancer of breast tissue. This is the most common type of cancer that affects women.Men can also develop breast cancer, although likely less than 1: 1000. Breast cancer is the most widely discussed because of ferocity that often ends in death. The youngest reported patient aged 20-29 years, most patients aged 40-49 years old and the oldest aged 80-89 years.

Breast cancer will show the uniqueness in the attack sufferers. This cancer malignancy showed by attacking cells surrounding nomal, especially cells that are weak. Cancer cells grow rapidly once, so that the patient will be enlarged breasts are not as usual. The cancer cells continued to develop and can not die.

 While attacking the surrounding normal cells, cancer also produce toxins and remove cancer cells from the parent ruptured. Toxins and cancer cells will spread along the bloodstream. So often we find cancer that grows in other places as a result of metastases (cells that spread through the bloodstream and grow new place). In severe cancer often bleeding.
Symptoms that indicate patients with breast cancer are lumps in the breast that can be touched by hand, the longer the lump is further harden and irregular shape and the pain did not go away.Will get worse if it gets doubles and inflamed. Inflammation accompanied by bleeding usually an early symptom of cancer. These symptoms are caused development of cells or abnormal tissue is infinitely very quickly. Uncontrolled formation of such networks would be detrimental to the surrounding normal tissue. As a result, normal tissue was damaged and urgency.
Other symptoms that may be recognized is raised a small lump under the armpit, bleeding, pus or watery fluid from the nipple, breast skin puckered like the skin of an orange, or a form of putting change direction, for example pressed into the nipple.

Cause presence of abnormal cells that get into our bodies, such as food preservatives, MSG, radioactive, oxidants, or carcinogenic that is produced by the body itself naturally. But the carcinogenic very rare because the body naturally neutralizes carcinogenic substances produced by the body. With the flow of blood and lymph flow, cancer cells and the toxins they produce can spread throughout the body such as the bones, lungs, and liver unnoticed by the patient.Therefore it is not surprising that breast cancer patients found a lump in the armpit lymph nodes or other lump. In fact, there are also cancer of the liver and lung cancer as metastatic cancer.Patients often cough that does not go away or prolonged shortness of breath.
According to Walter H. Lewis in Medical Botany, there are several other factors that play a role in breast cancer growth: hormonal disorders (especially estrogen in women), severe injuries, failures in care after pregnancy, inflammatory disease of connective tissue tumors (fibrocytis), and viral disorders in the mammary gland.
When we declared by a doctor tested positive for cancer, which first appeared reaction is tremendous fear and despair, especially if the cancer is already in the advanced stage. Preferably the excessive fear should be avoided, because of this fear can weaken us psychologically that ultimately can lower immunity or immunity power that exist naturally in the body.Resignation and begin to understand the following cancer treatment how to do, it is helpful in the treatment of this cancer.

Factors excess weight that is more influential at high risk of breast cancer. The amount of fat tissue more can increase estrogen levels who have often regarded as a ringleader of the high risk of esophageal cancer. However, do not rule out the possibility of women who regularly shave her armpits until smooth more susceptible to breast cancer 10-fold compared with women who let their armpit hair grow anything.
Dr. Therese Bevers of Anderson Cancer Center stating that underarm shaving either using wax (wax) and other tools will cause many injuries occur invisible. Moreover, the impact of shearing causes the pores around the region participated enlarged. "With the condition of the skin pores are enlarged underarm and suffered minor injuries susceptible to toxins and chemicals from a variety of products applied to the armpits as a deodorant, talcum powder or cream fragrances, which are then easily enter the skin," he said.
In addition to the above causes of breast cancer, breast cancer can be prevented by:
  1. Using the bra is not too tight for a long time
  2. Do not smoke and consume alcohol
  3. Avoid too much exposed to x-rays or other types of radiation
  4. Keep health by consuming fruits and vegetables fresh.
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Eliminate stress with relaxation and meditation
We recommend that you frequently consume soy as well as dairy products, such as tofu, tempeh, and soy milk, because soy contains phyto estrogen, which is genistein, which is beneficial for reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Treatment of breast cancer is treated in accordance with the stage. If the local is still only in the breast only, please do the removal of her breasts. However, if the cancer cells have spread to the axillary nodes but has not spread other place, then in addition to removal of the entire breast, the gland disposed and coupled with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. And if it has spread throughout the body (bone, lungs), cancer may not be raised again, for the son sebarnya already everywhere. Surgery may exacerbate the spread of the cancer.

In male breast cancer hormonal therapy is also given to the type of estrogen is more benign than female estrogen (tamoxifen). However, the side effects of these drugs make hair, impotence, libido slack, clots in the veins and depression. If the cancer has spread, in addition to discard the breast, testicles also needs to be addressed, in addition to considering the removal of the adrenal glands adrenal or pituitary gland in the brain.
Therefore, we can conclude that the most common treatment is surgery, removal of the tumor, chemotherapy (administration of cancer drugs), radiotherapy (radiation). But it turned out to meet the constraints irradiation. Often not how long, the cancer could reappear.
However, in addition to the above there is traditional medicine treatment called Tapak dara(Catharanthus roseus) is a chronic herb plant of the family Apocynaceae (frangipani-kambojaan).Plants that originated in Central America can be grown from the lowlands to an altitude of 800 m above sea level. In Indonesia is known as an attractive ornamental plant because of the flower.There are several names, depending on the location. In Java, people refer to as the flower of copper, nails rane, tread doro, flowers soldiers; Sumatra named-ruru ruru, grass bitch; Sulawesi people call sindapor; Maluku is called age. This plant can be propagated by seed, stem cuttings, or roots.

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