12 Tips Quick Ways to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally - Influenza, or more commonly known as the flu is a viral infection that occurs in breathing apparatus such as the nose, throat and lungs, thus affecting the work of the nose, throat and the most rare, lung you.
Flu can easily contagious and spreads from one person to another through sharing ways such as sharing drinks, sharing eating utensils, direct contact, as well as coughing and sneezing. (Flu germs no matter if they are spread through touch or air, provided that they can get into your body). So, you have to be careful with this virus.
Cara Alami Mengobati Flu atau Pilek dengan Cara Tradisional
Main Cause of Flu or Colds
Influenza (Flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). Symptoms that usually arise from this disease among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, headache feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort.
Natural Ways to Treat Flu or Colds
Well, after we mengeahui what things can cause the flu, it is now time for me to share tips about how your way of overcoming the flu or a cold. Here are 10 Tips on How to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally:
1. Expand Drinking Water
Why should drink water puith? the answer is simple, because the water does have a myriad of benefits, among others, may also help treat the flu or a cold. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water puith / day. It aims to keep your throat clean from germs that can cause flu.
2. Consume Warm Drinks
In addition to reproduce minu water you can consume a warm, for example, water puith warm, water hot tea, coffee and so on. Why should warm drinks? The answer is because at the time of flu, there will be a lot of fluid is wasted through the mucus, saliva and sweat.
Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, utjuannya to replace lost body fluids. Why should the water warm? because warm fluids can help reduce congestion, prevent dehydration, and throat that bothered. In addition, the steam of hot drinks can also help thin mucus. So, if you flee flu drinking warm!
3. Resting Total
Weary body condition will cause a weakened immune and flu will strike when the body is very weakened immune systems. Therefore, we strongly recommend you do a total break and stop working for a while, so that your immune system menjagi back as they should.
4. Consumption of Buan and Vegetables
When your body's weakened condition, automatically your immune system will be weakened. Thus the intake of vitamins and minerals are necessary untum help restore the body and helps improve the immune system not to purchase prefabricated disease. [Read: set of Articles Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable ]
5. Use Aroma Garlic
Onions which we know as one of the many spices, it also can be used as a drug to treat the flu. Aroma onions (scallions, red, puith) can serve as a catalyst in the discharge and nasal wash. The trick, hold the onions under the nostrils and inhale the aroma for about 5 minutes. Have a good luck! [Read: Keep Sliced Onions in Every Corner of the room, see what happens, it was surprising ]
6. Steam Traditional Therapies
Evaporation is one of the traditional ways that are believed effective to cope with the flu. The trick enter into a basin of hot water, use a towel to cover your head, and place your face over the basin. To be more optimal result, you can mix eucalyptus oil, turmeric, ginger or other spices.
How do steam therapy:
- Provide a towel or cloth rather thick
- Take a basin or pan, then fill it with hot water
- Put eucalyptus / turmeric / ginger / or other spices
- Let stand 5-10 minutes
- Put the warm water that has been mixed with spices was right under your face (down position)
- Cover your head with a towel or a thick cloth earlier.
- Do it for 15-30 minutes.
7. Rinsing
Rinsing can be one solution when the flu strikes. Why should rinse? aim to help clean the mouth so that the bad bacteria that causes flu do not go into the throat. Try gargling with warm water mixed with salt, balsamic vinegar, ginger turmeric for maximum results.
8. Use Menthol Aroma / Mint
Using menthol or mint aroma is one way for me to cope with the flu or a cold. It's easy, you just need to rub eucalyptus oil or balm near the nostrils, throat and your chest.
9. Shower with Hot Water
When you have the flu, try not to use cold water bath. But always use warm water aim is to keep the body warm. Avoid drinks or foods that contain ice.
10. Chili Consumption / foods containing chilli
Capsaicin is a chemical compound contained in chili peppers that is trusted and proven effective to help clean up the nasal cavity. When the flu began to attack, try eating soup with a sprinkling of pepper or foods containing chilli. But remember, not too much, then instead of its flu recover even abdominal pain hehe.
11. Consumption of Spices That feels warm
Besides using the methods described earlier, you can also try eating spices that tastes like a warm, kencur, ginger, basil, sreh. Or it could be all of the following spices united and boiled with water, then drink boiled water. [Read: 10 Types of Medicinal Plants and Benefits ]
12. A mixture of Honey and Ginger
You certainly know how extraordinary benefits of honey . In addition to good taste, honey is also rich in benefits among others, useful to overcome the flu or a cold.
The way to make flu medicines of honey and ginger:
- Provide 2 segment ginger
- Then grate and mix with honey
- Then the consumption of herbal ingredients tersbut 3x daily. Insyaalloh your flu will recover.
Well, that's 12 Tips on How to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally the content of this article may be just as tips, contact a doctor if pain persists hehe. Hopefully these tips can be useful for you. Thanks.
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