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19 Foods Containing High Calcium Besides Milk

Written By paidi on Jumat, 15 Juli 2016 | 11.43

Therapy Galih Gumelar - 19 Source of Food Containing High Calcium Besides Milk - So far, we know that milk is a source of calcium supreme. But you know, there are many other foods that contain high calcium eg green vegetables, sardines, almonds kacam and much more. Before we delve further into the types of foods that contain calcium, it helps us to know and to know in advance about what is calcium and function of our bodies. 

19 Makanan Yang Mengandung Kalsium Tinggi Selain Susu

What's Calcium (Ca)?
Calcium is a mineral that macro mineral badly needed body more than 100mg per day. The main function of calcium is important in the formation of bones and teeth. And if your body calcium deficiency can cause impaired bone growth and osteoporosis. Therefore to prevent calcium deficiency, usually people prefer milk to meet calcium needs. Maybe because they do not yet know that calcium is also found in some foods other than milk. 

Details of calcium: 

800 mg for adults over 25 years
1,000 mg after age 50 years.
Pregnant and lactating women should consume 1,200 mg of calcium per day

Calcium needs of children and adolescents increases with age: 

5 month old baby sd: 400 mg
Infants 6 months to 1 year: 600 mg
Children aged 1 to 10 years: 800 mg
Adolescents aged 11 to 24 years: 1,200 mg

Calcium Benefits For Human Body
There are several benefits of calcium for health, are as follows: 
Enabling nerve
Blood circulation
flex its muscles
Normalize blood pressure
Balancing blood acidity levels
Maintaining body fluid balance
Preventing osteoporosis (brittle bones)
Preventing heart disease
Lowering the risk of colon cancer
Overcoming cramps, back pain, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism
Address complaints during menstruation and menopause
Minimize bone shrinkage during pregnancy and lactation
Helps mineralization of teeth and prevent tooth root bleeding
Overcoming dry and cracked skin feet and hands
Restoring libido decreased / lower
Overcoming diabetes (activates the pancreas)

19 Source of Food Containing High Calcium:

Want to know what foods contain high calcium? let's refer to the explanation of the 18 foods containing high calcium following:

1. Cheese 
Keju Sumber Kalsium Cheese is a food made from milk, cheese has almost all the nutritional content of milk, such as protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fat and cholesterol. But remember the milk will also cause health disorders if consumed excessively

2. Yogurt 
Yoghurt sumber kalsium Yogurt or yogurt, milk is made through bacterial fermentation. Yoghurt can be made from any milk, including soy milk. But most of the yogurt itself is made from cow's milk. Yogurt is also a high-calcium foods, because the milk-based which certainly has most of the nutritional value of milk.

3. Green Vegetables 
Sayuran Hijau sumber kalsium Who would have thought it in there sayuranpun high calcium content and can be utilized to meet the calcium needs. Vegetables that contain high calcium are broccoli and spinach.

4. Soybeans 
Kacang Kedelai Sumber Kalsium Did you know, soybeans also contain calcium are high enough, if one cup of soy beans mixed boiled without salt, it will produce 261 mg of calcium. In addition, there are also processed from soybeans is also beneficial, namely soy milk. 

Ikan Salmon Sumber Kalsium

5. Salmon 
Salmon are rich in healthy fats are also proteins, other than that 3 ounces of canned salmon already with a spine it also contains high calcium content is 181 mg of calcium.

6. Dried Fruits 
Buah-buahan kering sumber kalsium Dried fruits can meet the needs of calcium that the body needs. Dried fruit offers 135 mg of calcium for five types of dried fruits. 

7. White Beans 
Kacang Putih Sumber Kalsium White beans calcium content is high enough, in 100 grams of white beans contained 442 mg of calcium. White beans included into the category of beans with a fairly high calcium content. In general, white beans contains as much calcium 175 mg / serving.

8. Radish 
Lobak Sumber Kalsium The usual vegetables cooked in vegetable soup turned out to contain a fairly high calcium 200 mg / trunk. Eating vegetable soup mixed with radish in addition to meeting the needs of vitamin A can also be used as one way to meet calcium needs

Biji Wijen Sumber Kalsium 9. Sesame 
Who would have thought the sesame seeds have a high calcium content. In 1 ounce of sesame seeds contained 280 mg of calcium, the amount is almost equal to the amount of calcium in 1 cup of milk.

10. Soy Milk 
Susu Kedelai Sumber Kalsium In addition to soybeans, soy milk is also rich in calcium is about 300 mg of calcium, if presented without being mixed with any food. 

Jeruk Sumber Kalsium 11. Oranges 
The fruit of this one certainly is not foreign to us. Oranges can be found in almost parts of the world. In addition to having the content of vitamin C, oranges also contain calcium 60 mg 

Oatmeal Sumber Kalsium Oatmeal is a food that is good for the heart, rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Besides oatmeal also contains calcium which is quite high, in the first bowl of oatmeal contains 105 mg of calcium. 

Ikan Sarden Sumber Kalsium 13. Fish Sardines 
The sardine is produced from marine fish that are packed with canned this way can meet 33% of calcium your body needs. Therefore, consume sardines at least 1 week 1 times.

14. Tofu 
Tofu Sumber Kalsium Ofu is food made from fermented soy sediment, as well as out. Tofu is arguably know the Japanese version. Tofu itself more malleable and less resistant to treatment. Due to the high calcium content, tofu itself is recommended as a food substitute for milk.

Kale Sumber Kalsium 15. Kale 
Is a vegetable that belongs to the kind of cabbage or more commonly known dengn cabbage. In each 1 cup kale terkanung 90 mg of calcium. In other words, 3.5 cups of kale will be more helpful than 1 cup of milk.

16. quinoa / quinoa 
Kinoa / quinoa Sumber Kalsium is a pseudo cereal crops which has been a staple food for the Indian community in the Andes Mountains, South America. Quinoa called pseudo cereal because the seeds are not produced from cereals. The leaves can be eaten as well as spinach seeds. Quinoa seed is ideal as a source of nutrition kaerna contains carbohydrates and protein as well. When cooked, 1 cup quinoa menawakan 60-100 mg of calcium. 

Brokoli sumber kalsium 17. Broccoli 
Broccoli is a vegetable that is included in the rate cabbage. Broccoli health benefits can even be said that broccoli is a vegetable with the highest calcium content of 180 mg. 

18. Almonds 
Kacang Almond sumber kalsium Almonds are used as snack foods rich in vitamin E. In addition, almonds also contain 70-80 mg of calcium. 

19. Banana 
Pisang sumber kalsium Bananas are a kind of fruit that is not foreign to us. Because bananas are almost all places in Indonesia. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium.

That info about 19 ​​Foods Containing High Calcium Milk Besides that might provide a bit pegetahuan to you that the name is not only obtained calcium from milk. Actually there are many foods that contain calcium, and I will discuss it then on coming.

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